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Version: 3.9.0-beta.39 (Latest)

DisplaySet Service


DisplaySetService handles converting the instanceMetadata into DisplaySet that OHIF uses for the visualization. DisplaySetService gets initialized at service startup time, but is then cleared in the Mode.jsx. During the initialization SOPClassHandlerIds of the modes gets registered with the DisplaySetService.


DisplaySet is a general set of entities and contains links to bunch of displayable objects (images, etc.) Some series might get split up into different displaySets e.g., MG might have mixed views in a single series, but users might want to have separate LCC, RCC, etc. for hanging protocol usage. A viewport renders a display set into a displayable object.

imageSet is a particular implementation of image displays.

Based on the instanceMetadata's SOPClassHandlerId, the correct module from the registered extensions is found by OHIF and its getDisplaySetsFromSeries runs to create a DisplaySet for the Series. Note that this is an ordered operation, and consumes the instances as it proceeds, with the first registered handlers being able to consume instances first.

DisplaySets are created synchronously when the instances metadata is retrieved and added to the DicomMetaDataStore. They are ALSO updated when the DicommetaDataStore receives new data. This update first checks the addInstances of existing DisplaySet values to see if the new instance belongs in an existing set. Then, the same process is used as was originally done to create new display sets.

NOTE: Any instances not matched are NOT added to any display set and will not be displayed.

Adding madeInClient display sets​

It is possible to filter or combine display sets from different series by performing the filter operation desired, and then calling the addActiveDisplaySets on the new DisplaySet instances. This allows operations like combining two series or sub-selecting a series.


There are three events that get broadcasted in DisplaySetService:

DISPLAY_SETS_ADDEDFires a displayset is added to the displaysets cache
DISPLAY_SETS_CHANGEDFires when a displayset is changed
DISPLAY_SETS_REMOVEDFires when a displayset is removed
DISPLAY_SET_SERIES_METADATA_INVALIDATEDFires when a displayset's series metadata has been altered. An object payload for the event is sent with properties: displaySetInstanceUID - the UID of the display set affected; invalidateData - boolean indicating if data should be invalidated


Let's find out about the public API for DisplaySetService.

  • EVENTS: Object including the events mentioned above. You can subscribe to these events by calling DisplaySetService.subscribe(EVENTS.DISPLAY_SETS_CHANGED, myFunction). Read more about pub/sub pattern here

  • makeDisplaySets(input, { batch, madeInClient, settings } = {}): Creates displaySet for the provided array of instances metadata. Each display set gets a random UID assigned.

    • input: Array of instances Metadata
    • batch = false: If you need to pass array of arrays of instances metadata to have a batch creation
    • madeInClient = false: Disables the events firing
    • settings = {}: Hanging protocol viewport or rendering settings. For instance, setting the initial voi, or activating a tool upon displaySet rendering. Read more about hanging protocols settings here
  • getDisplaySetByUID: Returns the displaySet based on the DisplaySetUID.

  • getDisplaySetForSOPInstanceUID: Returns the displaySet that includes an image with the provided SOPInstanceUID

  • getActiveDisplaySets: Returns the active displaySets

  • deleteDisplaySet: Deletes the displaySets from the displaySets cache

  • addActiveDisplaySets: Adds a new display set independently of the make operation.

  • setDisplaySetMetadataInvalidated: Fires the DISPLAY_SET_SERIES_METADATA_INVALIDATED event.